JP Toulouse

JP's musical output is electronic dance music. His claim to himself and his tracks is to make people happy with them. In his search for inspiration, he does not use mushy, soft pop with sweet melodies in comparison to others. His definition of happiness is different, more blatant. It is based on experiencing techno in its raw form.

It has to be hard and fast. He continuously makes new musical sketches to which he gives titles that are personally meaningful to him, thus managing to create a direct link between his music and his life. At the same time, he is always and everywhere on the lookout for new and unusual sounds to incorporate into his tracks. 

After producing tracks on his own since 2019, JP found a musical community of like-minded people in the environment of the Berlin Ick Mach Welle project in 2021.

Currently J P is preparing a contribution to the 2023 Ick Mach Welle compilation by Berlin's Killekill label. This will be his first official release and several will definitely follow!




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FÜR ELISE ist eine junge Berliner Band, die aus Killekills integrativem Musikprojekt Ick mach Welle hervorgegangen ist. Die Band besteht …
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Im Jahr 2023 wurde Wellen.Brechers „Tierisch Verboten“ zu einer Art Hymne für die Bewegung,die für Inklusion und Vielfalt kämpft. "Was …
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Wir freuen uns über einen vollen Terminkalender! 10. Mai DJ MARLA ROOTS & JP TOULOUSE spielen bei den Inklusive Strandtage …
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Selected video, image, sound and performance works by the artist will be presented live. Followed by a gala extravaganza with …
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Es werden ausgewählte Video-, Bild-, Ton- und Performance-Arbeite des Künstlers vorgestellt und live präsentiert. Im Anschluss: Gala - Extravaganza mit vielen …
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Today we are excited to share a panel on Club Culture and Disability recorded at the opening of the Krake …
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On 16 September 2023, the former Karstadt building on Kudamm became the venue for the RISC Fest. Organised by Universal …
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Hey guys … 2023 went more than splendidly for our guys from Wellen.Brecher and as the crowning finale of the …
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First mix from JP, who has been with us for a while, techno of the harder kind and EDM. Full …
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Today marks the release of Bläck Dävil's debut EP 'Schnäll Schnäll' on Killekill and we couldn't be prouder of him! …

Ick mach Welle! ist eine Kooperation zwischen der Killekill UG und der Lebenshilfe Berlin gGmbH

Kontakt und Credits

Killekill UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Gubener Str. 36
10243 Berlin
Email schreiben

Lebenshilfe gGmbH
FED-Familienentlastende Dienste
Dohnagestell 10
13351 Berlin
Email schreiben

Fotos: Denise Nietze, Virginia de Diaz
Webdesign: hillmeneutik
Webadmin: Arno Schmittel
Wordpress Theme: Semplice
Wir danken dem Semplice Team herzlich für den Support! 

